tel.: +421 911 382 283  | email: [email protected]

 NEXT EVENT  | WOF SUMMIT | 17 – 18 September 2024 Vienna


WOF Alliance Members – good Friends with Special Benefits:

  • Semi or full exclusivity will drive your business to the next level
  • WOF Members are supported to get access to key decision makers at important industry suppliers to boost purchasing quality
  • Financial protection for WOF Members under the network’s umbrella policies
  • Priority access to annual WOF Expo and WOF Summit events
  • Active promotion of joint sales activities and knowhow exchange 
  • Local heroes with global expertise 
  • Industry experts for all supply chain challenges
  • Interactive networking opportunities at all annual events – personal and virtual
  • Joint charity support for the League Against Cancer on all WOF Events
  • Special WOF Members discount for all WOF Events
  • WOF Alliance AGM always connected with WOF Expo to provide perfect networking opportunities with WOF Members, plus customers and suppliers at one venue

Exclusive or Semi-exclusive Countries

Professional and reliable industry partners

Global business opportunities

Financial protection under network ‘s umbrella policies

Priority access to to WOF EXPOs and WOF Summits


Interactive opportunities on annual events

Charity Support

Special discount for all WOF Events (booth + tickets)

Get Started

Start your new journey with us